Dávid SCHWEINER, Dobroslav KOVÁČ
The paper describes a creation of the simulation model for two buck DC/DC converters with separate capacities connected in parallel.
The paper describes a creation of the simulation model for two buck DC/DC converters with separate capacities connected in parallel.
The paper provides a brief description of the proposed robotic arm that can be controlled via serial interface using two 32-bit ARM microcontroller. (…)
The paper describes a creation of the simulation model for two buck DC/DC converters with mutual capacity connected in parallel. The simulation model is created in Excel, which is part of MS Office package.
This article is dedicated to designing a control program for a plastic fiber manufacturing machine for a 3D printer using a PLC.
Rýchle konvertovanie analógových signálov ešte nemusí zaručovať jeho následné rýchle spracovanie. Keďže rýchlosť je v súčasnosti nevyhnutnou časťou spracovania signálov, je potrebné zabezpečiť čo najrýchlejšie ukladanie dát do pamäte.
In this paper mathematical model for equivalent circuit of factory using alternative sources to reduce power supply is created. Equivalent circuit is designed for steady-state analysis.
The goal of this paper is to describe design and implementation of a device usable for remote monitoring and control of PLC control system. This proposal is based on an increasingly prevalent concept of IoT (Internet of Things).
Tento článok sa zaoberá bezpečnostnými systémami určenými na ochranu domácnosti pred neoprávneným vniknutím, ako aj na ochranu pred poškodením majetku.
The paper solves the problem aion of the CNC milling machine. First will be described CNC device that will be aed and the changes you will need to make to the device.
Automatický zavlažovací systém je zariadenie, ktoré aický zavlažuje napríklad kvetináč alebo trávnik tak aby do toho človek nemusel zasahovať.