Ľubomír ŠOGANIČ, Patrik JACKO
At present, programming is at a very high level, resulting in a large number of support functions. Therefore, it is not possible for the programmer to do all the functions in the source code himself.
At present, programming is at a very high level, resulting in a large number of support functions. Therefore, it is not possible for the programmer to do all the functions in the source code himself.
Tento článok je zameraný na návrh a realizáciu bezpečnostného systému pre rodinný dom, ktorý bude možné riadiť pomocou mobilnej aplikácie.
This article deals with the creation of a car model that can be controlled via the Internet in an HTML interface, whether on a smartphone or on a computer. In this environment, it is also possible to shift speeds like on a real car.
Tento článok opisuje funkčný princíp zváracích invertorov, ďalej opisuje proces návrhu a neskôr realizácie zváracieho invertora určeného pre metódu ručného oblúkového zvárania.
Tento článok je venovaný analýze požiadaviek a návrhu IoT zariadenia pre podporu kontroly evidencie majetku pomocou hardvérového zariadenia.
In this paper we deal with temperature measurement and visualization system.
This paper deals with different geometries of spiral planar inductors. The spiral planar inductors are presented in different geometrical shapes: circular, square, octagonal, and hexagonal. T
The paper deals with the extension of the design of the original CNC milling machine.
This article is devoted to the consideration of various methods of 3D scanning.
Tento článok popisuje návrh modelu zariadenia na výrobu plastových vlákien pre 3D FDM tlačiareň.